The Handshake team
Students Beta

Handshake student product updates—April 2, 2024

AUTHOR: The Handshake team

Student job details—more transparent qualifications [Experiment launch: March 21, 2024]

We launched an experiment that brings more visibility to the job qualifications a student meets. Students in the experiment group can see the specific grad date, major, school year, and GPA qualifications the employer selected, and whether they meet them. There's also a prompt for the student to update their profile if any data looks incorrect. This update helps students better understand how well suited they are for jobs, and take action to keep their profile up to date.

Language proficiency on profile [Launched: March 22, 2024]

Students can now highlight languages they speak (as well as proficiency) on their profiles. This information is visible to EDU partners and employers looking at a student's profile.

  • We're also experimenting with collecting language proficiency during onboarding.

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