The Handshake team
Students Beta

Handshake student product updates—June 6, 2024

AUTHOR: The Handshake team
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: Comments , Follow in feed , Feed on web , Post composer

Post composer [Rollout began: June 5, 2024]

We've started rolling out the post composer to students in the Handshake feed. Students can use the composer to share career inspiration and tips with peers from their school, or with the entire network. Text and video posts are supported. We expect post composer to roll out to all students in June.

Comments [Rollout began: June 5, 2024]

We've started rolling out comments on posts in the Handshake feed. If someone comments on your post, you'll get a notification and be able to reply. We expect comments to roll out to all users in June.

Feed on web app [Rollout began: June 5, 2024]

We've started rolling out the Handshake feed on our web app—previously it was only available on the mobile app. Students can access the feed via a new tab on the navigation bar. We expect feed on web to roll out to all students in June.

Redesigned profile & follows [Rollout began: June 5, 2024]

We've started rolling out a redesigned profile to students that highlights content they've posted and includes the ability to follow them. You'll see more content from users you follow in the Handshake feed. We expect the redesigned profile to roll out to all students in June.

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