The Handshake team

Handshake student product updates—August 29, 2024

AUTHOR: The Handshake team

People search [Launched: August 16] 

We launched a new People search page that allows students to search for other students. 

Updated post composer [Launched: August 19]

We’ve updated the experience of posting to the feed. The new composer includes the ability to play uploaded videos before you post and swap videos if you upload the wrong one.

Real-time relevance: [Beta launch: August 21]

We launched an experiment to 50% of students that encourages them to update their career interests via the job search page. The experiment also includes enhancements to reflect a student’s updated preferences in their job recommendations much faster.

Action-oriented campaigns [Launched: August 20]

If using an iOS device, students who receive campaign messages about jobs will see three recommended actions. “Apply” takes them directly to the application process. “Ask a question" opens a blank message thread. “Not interested” opens the option to mute campaigns from the employer or about that job role. 

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