The Handshake team
Students Beta

Handshake student product launches—November 17, 2023

AUTHOR: The Handshake team

Hybrid locations in job search [Launched: November 6, 2023]

Students can now filter for jobs with a “hybrid” work location in job search. We’ve also updated job cards to display work location to students. Both updates help students more easily find opportunities that meet their criteria.

Job search typeahead [Experiment launched: November 7, 2023]

We are running a small experiment for students using keyword search to look for jobs. As students type into the search bar, a dropdown will recommend relevant job roles they can select. This experiment aims to help students learn about job roles that might be relevant to them and perform more effective searches.

New job cards for inbox [Launched to 5%: November 9, 2023]

We've launched a redesigned job card in the student inbox for 5% of users. The new job card highlights the most compelling information students are looking for when assessing a job that an employer messages them about. Over the coming weeks, we'll iterate on the job card and launch it in more locations throughout the student experience.

Coco in job description pages [Launched: November 16, 2023]

Students at our 10 pilot schools can now interact with Coco, our AI-powered assistance, on job postings. Coco can help a student assess their fit for a role and provide tips for applying.

  • EDU partners interested in joining a beta launch of Coco can learn more here.

Groups [Pilot launched: November 17, 2023]

We're piloting student community groups at a small subset of institutions to foster career conversations on Handshake. Groups will be available to more students, institutions, and employers in the coming months.

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