- The Handshake team
Handshake student product launches—January 18, 2024
Coco in job descriptions [Pilot launch: November 16, 2023]
Students at institutions piloting Coco, Handshake's AI assistance, now see the option to ask Coco questions within a job posting. Coco can help students learn whether they're a good fit for the role based on their profile, research the company, and more.
Post composer [Pilot launch: December 6, 2023]
A small pilot group of students is now able to post content to the mobile home feed. We'll expand this feature to more students in spring 2024.
Job alerts [Experiment launch: December 13, 2023]
We're experimenting with a new call to action on the job search page encouraging students to sign up for notifications when a new job that meets their search criteria is posted.
Appointment signups in mobile home feed [Launched: December 18, 2023]
Students now see a post in the mobile home feed encouraging them to sign up for appointments with their career center.
This update only applies to institutions that manage appointments on Handshake and that are participating in the mobile home feed beta. The feed will be available for all students at all institutions in February 2024.
Benefits in jobs details [Beta launched: January 11, 2024]
Employers are able to list benefits—like bonuses, health insurance, and career development stipends—on jobs to help their opportunities stand out. We’ve begun rolling out an update to job postings so that students can review these benefits.
Job search typeahead [Experiment launch: January 11, 2024]
A subset of students using a keyword on the job search page will now see a dropdown menu with recommended job roles, industries, and employers that match what they've typed so far. This experiment aims to help students pick the most relevant search criteria.
Message annotations [Launched: January 16, 2024]
Students now see a "Top Match" tag on messages from employers when the job the employer is promoting is highly relevant to them. This update helps students identify top priority messages to read and take action on.