The Handshake team

Handshake employer product updates—September 27, 2024

AUTHOR: The Handshake team

New user onboarding via homepage [Rollout began: Sept 19, 2024]

We’re launching homepage actions and resources to help new Handshake users get up and running on the platform. Actions and resources are tailored to the user’s seat type and ensure they complete key tasks to be successful on Handshake—like filling out their profile and posting a job.

Dynamic targeting with expanded audiences [Beta launch: September 20, 2024]

Beta employers using dynamic campaign targeting can now maximize the size of their campaign audiences without having to schedule multiple campaigns to the same segment. This update:

  • Sends your campaign to more, relevant candidates in your segment if your campaign is successfully driving applications  

  • Relaxes some of your segment criteria so you can reach an expanded audience if your campaign isn’t driving applications

In the latter case, key aspects of your segment (like location, under-represented groups, and work auth requirements) are maintained while Handshake looks for more qualified candidates who are eager to apply to roles like yours. This lets you tap into a bigger pool of relevant candidates and drive more applications without any additional effort on your part. This update will roll out to all employers in the coming months.

Brand Page affiliates [Launched: September 24, 2024]

Advanced Company Brand Page now allows you to link to Brand Pages of up to 12 affiliate employers. Affiliate employers’ Brand Pages will also link back to your page. This helps cross-promote your Brand Page in more places, and allows candidates to seamlessly explore (and follow) different arms of your business. 

  • If you have an Advanced Brand Page, your customer success manager can help you configure Brand Page affiliates. Reach out to get started.

  • Learn more about Brand Pages here.

Feed posts on Company Brand Page [Fully launched: September 24, 2024]

Handshake feed posts from your company now appear in the "Posts" tab on your Brand Page. Employers with a professional or advanced Brand Page will also have their two most recent posts highlighted on the main Brand Page. In the future, professional and advanced Brand Pages will also allow you to feature specific posts.

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