The Handshake team

Handshake employer product updates—September 16, 2024

AUTHOR: The Handshake team

Actionable event & fair overview pages [Full launch: August 22, 2024]

We've updated event and fair overview pages to provide more at-a-glance stats—RSVPs, check-ins, evaluations—and recommended next steps for Handshake Events customers. These changes help guide your team to make the most of your events, and easily measure the results of your efforts.

Work authorization question updates [Launched: August 23, 2024]

We updated the work authorization question to be required on the job form to create more clarity for applicants around their eligibility. You can opt out of disclosing work auth requirements if you wish. Jobs created before this change have been mapped onto the new work auth field options.

Applicant page redesign [Launched: August 26, 2024]

We redesigned the applicants page on job postings. The new page maintains functionality of the old page in a new format that's easier to navigate. The only change you'll notice is that the "declined" application status is now called "rejected".

  • NOTE: we are restoring the ability to quickly view a candidate's qualifications by hovering your cursor over the qualifications column.

Content & community activity report [Launched: September 6, 2024]

Your team now gets deeper insight into how your career content is performing on the Handshake feed—impressions, watch rates, and more. Users with the owner or admin role can access this report from the Insights Library tab on the analytics page.

Feed posts on Company Brand Page [Rollout began: September 16, 2024]

Handshake feed posts from your company will now appear in the "Posts" tab on your Brand Page. Employers with a professional or advanced Brand Page will also have their two most recent posts highlighted on the main Brand Page. In the future, professional and advanced Brand Pages will also allow you to feature specific posts.

  • This update will roll out to all employers in the coming days.

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