The Handshake team
Education Partners

Handshake education partner product launches—February 16, 2024

AUTHOR: The Handshake team

Report scheduling [Launched: February 7, 2024]

You can now pick a specific time of day when you want scheduled reports to be sent.

Feed engagement dashboard [Full launch: February 8, 2024]

With the launch of the content and community feed to all students on our iOS and Android apps on February 8, all partners can now access a dashboard with high level metrics about how your students are engaging on the feed.

First destination survey (FDS) response history [Launched: February 14, 2024]

We launched a new FDS response history page to all institutions. The new page helps you search, filter—by major, college, label, and more—and download FDS responses across every survey you've conducted (or uploaded) in Handshake. Say you need to figure out how many students a particular employer has hired over the last three years. You can quickly find the answer on the response history page—without having to go anywhere else!

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