The Handshake team
Education Partners Beta

Handshake education partner product launches—December 8, 2023

AUTHOR: The Handshake team

Links in Analytics [Launched: Nov 17, 2023]

Your team can access links to individual students, employers, events, fairs, appointments, and jobs via reports you create in Analytics. The link to the individual object is available via the … menu within the report.

Contact last login date [Full launch: Nov 27, 2023]

Your team can now sort and filter contacts based on the last time they logged into Handshake. Learn about the last login date filter here.

New Analytics fields [Launched: Dec 1, 2023]

Over the course of the fall, we've added several highly requested fields to Analytics. Review a full list of new fields here.

First Destination Survey (FDS) data cleanup [Beta launch: Dec 5, 2023]

Beta partners have access to a new FDS responses tab that makes it easier to review and edit responses students have submitted. Notably, we've adding a new filter to help your team quickly identify and edit employer names that students manually entered so that you can tie them to the correct employer in Handshake. This update will roll out to all school in the coming weeks. Check out our recent Career Spark Awards webinar for a sneak peek.

Comments on decline [Launched: Dec 6, 2023]

We've reinstated the ability for employers to comment after they've been declined by a school. This allows your team to follow up with the employer if you're open to approving them in the future.

Job-based approvals [Full launch: December 7, 2023]

Job-based approvals collapse employer and job approvals into one, streamlined step—new employers request to connect by sending you a job posting. This means your team will be able to manage approvals more efficiently, and with more contextual information.

Work study permission override [Launched: December 7, 2023]

With the launch of job-based approvals, employers who are not yet approved at your institution are able to post a work study job as their first job. When reviewing the job, you can set permissions to dictate whether the employer can send you subsequent work study jobs.

If your institution does not manage work study jobs in Handshake, you can now toggle off the ability for new employers to post work study jobs to your institution via the Employer Approval Preferences page.

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